If you have more than 2 house property, it might be difficult for you to plan your tax on your income from house property in such a manner that you can reduce your tax liability.

Because people don't know that even if their property is self-occupied, they are still liable to income tax. For example, if you have three house property, your one property out of three shall be deemed to be let out property and accordingly, you will be liable to pay tax.

Earlier as per the provisions of Section 24 of Income Tax 1961, if you had two-self-occupied property, you had to consider one house property out of two as deemed let out and accordingly, you had to calculate income tax accordingly on that deemed let out property.

    Let us do Tax Planning for House Property Income

    Suppose you have three houses -HP 1, HP 2 and HP 3. Now you have to plan which house property is to be deemed as let-out property because as per Finance Act 2019, out of three property, one property has to be deemed to be let out property mandatorily.


    Income under the head of House Property for A.Y. 2020-21

    Particulars HP 1 HP 2 HP 3
    Market Value(MV) Per annum 5,00,000 5,60,000 5,30,000
    Fair Rent(FR) Per annum 5,75,000 4,75,000 5,80,000
    Standard Rent(SR) Per annum 5,50,000 5,70,000 5,75,000
    Gross Annual Value=Lower( Higher(MV,FR), Standard Rent) 5,50,000 5,60,000 5,75,000
    Less: Muncipal Taxes Paid by owner 56,000 50,000 20,000
    Net Annual Value(NAV) 4,94,000 5,10,000 5,55,000
    Less: 30% of NAV 1,48,200 1,53,000 1,66,500
    Less: Interest on Borrowed Capital Nil 55,000 1,75,000
    Income from House Property 3,45,800 3,02,000 2,13,500
    Now you can treat any of the above two houses as self-occupied house property

    Option 1: HP 1 and HP 2 are taken as Self Occupied Property

    If HP 1 and HP 2 are taken as Self Occupied Property, the income from house property shall be-
    Particulars Amount
    HP 1 (Self Occupied Property) Nil
    HP 2 (Interest deduction restricted to INR 30,000) (30,000)
    HP 3 Deemed Let Out 2,13,500
    Income from House Property 1,83,500

    Option 2: HP 1 and HP 3 are taken as Self Occupied Property,

    If HP 1 and HP 3 are taken as Self Occupied Property, the income from house property shall be-
    Particulars Amount
    HP 1 (Self Occupied Property) Nil
    HP 2 (Deemed Let Out) 3,02,000
    HP 3 (Self Occupied Property) (1,75,000)
    Income from House Property 1,27,000

    Option 3: HP 2 and HP 3 are taken as Self Occupied Property

    If HP 2 and HP 3 are taken as Self Occupied Property, the income from house property shall be-
    Particulars Amount
    HP 1 (Deemed Let Out) 3,45,800
    HP 2 (Interest deduction restricted to INR 30,000) (30,000)
    HP 3 (Self Occupied Property) (1,75,000)
    (Total Interest deduction restricted to INR 2,00,000) (2,00,000)
    Income from House Property 1,45,800

    Since Option 2 is most beneficial, so you must choose HP 1 & HP 3 as your self occupied property and HP 2 as your let-out property. Considering this tax planning, your tax liability shall be INR 1,27,000 WHICH IS LOWEST 


    In the case of HP 2 Loan is taken for repairing purpose and in the case of HP 2, the loan is taken for acquiring a new  house property  

    This tax planning has been done taking into consideration the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 applicable to AY 2020-21 

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