Rule of 72  | Everyone wants to know how long his money will be doubled or tripled. But due to a lack of knowledge of some easy rules, people are not able to do this simple task. In such a situation, it is important to note down this simple rule and whenever you deposit money, you should know how many days it will increase. Here we are telling you the formula of doubled, tripled and fourfold income

First, know the formula for doubling the money

Rule of 72 Proof | Double Your Income | This is How You will Double or Four Times Your Money, Note the Formula
The formula of Rule of 72 works to find out if the money is doubled. This is an exact formula. Under this formula, when you deposit money or invest, you know how much interest will be received. You have to divide 72 by this interest or return. The number that will come after this, your money will double in that number of days.

To understand this, suppose that if you have deposited your money somewhere and it gets 8% interest annually. In this case, divide 72 by 8 under Rule 72. After dividing it, a number of 72/8 = 9 will be found. In this way, your money will double or double in 9 years.

But due to a lack of knowledge of some easy rules, people are not able to do this simple task. In such a situation, it is important to note down this simple rule and whenever you deposit money, you should know how many days it will increase. Here we are telling you the formula of doubled, tripled and fourfold.

Formula to tell when the money will triple

Rule of Mathematics-114 will tell you when your money will be triple ie (doubled or tripled). Under this formula, you will have to divide 114 by the interest rate or return to be received. After those numbers of the period, what you get will be three times your money. For example, if you have invested 8% per annum, then in 114/8 = 14.25 years, your money will triple.

Rule telling when the money will be four times

This is called Rule-144. Rule -144 will tell you when your money will be four times (quadruple or four times). If you have deposited money at 8% per annum, then divide 144 by 8. In this case, you will get 18, which means that your money will double in 18 years.

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